Troubleshooting this TutorialSometimes, even though you try hard to understand the information in a tutorial, things don't work out quite like you want it to. This page is here to help you resolve any problems you might be having with the tutorial on using XNA in Visual Studio 2012 and 2013. The Common Mistakes section describes common problems that people have when doing the things in this tutorial, and how to resolve them. The Frequently Asked Questions section describes questions that people have that aren't related to mistakes, but rather, trying to understand the stuff better or exploring how it can be used. If your problem or concern isn't addressed here, feel free to add a comment below, so that I know where you're having trouble. I like to keep these pages fairly clean, so I may remove comments that I felt like have been addressed. If I remove your comment and you don't feel like the problem has been fixed, repost the question and we'll take another look at it. If a tutorial has a mistake in it, I will fix the mistake and reply to the comment with a brief explanation. However, after a couple of weeks I'll likely go back and remove the original comment as well as my reply, because, hopefully, the problem will have been fixed, and it won't be a concern any more. |
Common MistakesNone listed yet… |
Frequently Asked QuestionsNone listed yet… |
didn't have any luck with the script (script name has been changed and it doesn't recognize it as a script even) so I did the manual steps without a problem but vs express 2013 does not show xna as option under new project dialogue.
p.s. extension file under appdata was regenerated and i tried a using statement referencing xna and it generated an error
I know your posts are a little old now (sorry for not responding sooner) but perhaps you can give the new version of my script a try if you're still having trouble.
Go to the BitBucket repository and give it a go. (The new version ends with -BleedingEdge. Once I've had a few more people run through it, I'll replace the old one with this one.)
Probably just as importantly, over the last couple of days, I've added in a bit more detail to the page that describes how to do this to account for some of the problems people have had. In particular, be sure to run it as an administrator, and be sure to change the execution policy, like it describes now.
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