Troubleshooting this TutorialSometimes, even though you try hard to understand the information in a tutorial, things don't work out quite like you want it to. This page is here to help you resolve any problems you might be having with mouse input. The Common Mistakes section describes common problems that people have when doing the things in this tutorial, and how to resolve them. The Frequently Asked Questions section describes questions that people have that aren't related to mistakes, but rather, trying to understand the stuff better or exploring how it can be used. If your problem or concern isn't addressed here, feel free to add a comment below, so that I know where you're having trouble. I like to keep these pages fairly clean, so I may remove comments that I felt like have been addressed. If I remove your comment and you don't feel like the problem has been fixed, repost the question and we'll take another look at it. If a tutorial has a mistake in it, I will fix the mistake and reply to the comment with a brief explanation. However, after a couple of weeks I'll likely go back and remove the original comment as well as my reply, because, hopefully, the problem will have been fixed, and it won't be a concern any more. |
Common MistakesNone listed yet… |
Frequently Asked QuestionsNone listed yet… |
I have a 2d game I am working on. For some reason when i click on a sprite in full screen mode with my mouse it does nothing but if I were to click on it in windowed mode then it works do you have any idea why this is?
There shouldn't be any real difference between windowed mode and full screen mode.
Can you give us an idea of what code you are using to detect when the user clicks on something? That's my best guess about where the problem is. If you could post some sample code, that would help a lot.
Sry I made a stupid mistake forgot to update my previousMouseState within my case statement
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