This thread is a place for you to post bugs that lead to humorous, crazy, or intriguing-for-the-wrong-reasons results. To get the Happy Accidents achievement, you should post these here, or in your game's discussion thread so we can all see and enjoy the craziness!
Here's what I'm using to claim the Happy Accidents achievement. When the ball tries to roll up the hill, something about the fact that the ball's velocity is not horizontal causes the ball to deform into an ellipsoid.
I don't think the ball is supposed to deform like that, haha! Anyways, I'm very impressed by your physics, RB … Nice job! Just out of curiosity, what screen capture software did you use to make the video?
You'll be happy to know that I got the Pill Deformation bug fixed! In a hacky sorta way… naturally.
I discovered that the Matrix class has a decomposition method that breaks the transformation into a scale, rotation, and translation component.
The ball was getting scaled non-uniformly, which caused the pill shape. I just called the Decompose method and then re-applied just the rotation component, dropping the scale part out.
It works, but it still doesn't address the issue of why it was happening in the first place. It's still technically happening, I just clear it out every update. So like I said, it's a hack.
I used Open Broadcast Software to capture it. OBS is intended for use in streaming video to the web (a la Twitch) but it can also save to a file. I just did that and uploaded to YouTube.
PiscesMike had a recommendation in chat yesterday for another option. I downloaded it, but it wouldn't capture my screen for some reason. It works for him though. I'll have to ask again what it was…
Thanks! Open Broadcast Software works fine for me, but I can't figure out how to embed it in a post. I can link to it fine, but it's not quite the same. (I'm not sure if this changes things, but rather than using Youtube, I uploaded the video file to Google Drive.)
I'm not 100% sure Wikidot lets you embed video from Google Drive, but the syntax I used to embed my video from YouTube looks like this:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
That whole chunk in the middle came straight from YouTube. I just wrapped it in an [[html]] block.