Hey everyone, Here is where I am posting my official entry to Game Development Competition #2,
I will be working with my Older Brother Shane and we will be making a Healthy Mix between Lunar Lander and Thrust with plenty of our own originality…
We are going to using all of the tropes, especially Newton's Laws and You need more Vespene Gas.
Current State:
Lots and Lots of fluff code is done..
For example.. you can re size your window and it wont change the game at all.
We have Movement controls,
Working on Terrain
First Goal: Winnable Game.
- Create Base Player
- Create Basic Terrain
- Create Goals
Second Goal: Unwinnable Game:
- Create Infinite Levels
- Create Increasing level difficulty
- Create Scoreboard
Third Goal: Extra Stuff
- Create More Goals
- Create More Mechanics
- Create More Stuff
Download Link:
Here is a link to Thruster Lander Downloads
Swat's Achevements:
You Got Tropes!
Moral Support
Leveled Up! X3