I got a chance over the weekend to put together some prototypes/mockups during our little informal 8 hour challenge that now has given me a bit of confidence that I'll be able to make the game I've got in my head.
Achievements Unlocked
Time Machine
Leveled Up
Moral Support
The Tinker
Are We On?
It's Not Rocket Science
The Prototypes
Here's what I prototyped:
- Random terrain generation (which may not ultimately be used, but made it possible to test out some of my other stuff).
- Being able to calculate the height and normal for terrain.
- "rolling ball" physics, to emulate a ball rolling across uneven terrain.
- Rendering the scene to a TextureCube object so that things can reflect the live environment around them, instead of just a pre-made skybox.
- A glass/gem shader, which is an improvement on my reflection shader from my tutorials that includes reflection (fixed, because the tutorial is showing the exact opposite side) refraction, and a bit of glass tinting to make cool looking gems for my game.
The Game
And now a brief description of what I want to make:
In a sentence, I could describe my game as Marble Madness meets Icebreaker, though of course most people probably aren't familiar with Icebreaker.
In a nutshell, you'll control a glass marble that can roll around on a floating platform/surface. Your objective is to collect all of the gems that are scattered throughout the level without falling off the platform to your death, and then escape through a hatch. Assuming I have time, you'll also be trying to avoid enemies, navigate through different types of terrain (slippery snow or ice, sticky mud, and maybe water.
Playing pre-made levels solo is probably my starting point, but multiplayer cooperative and competitive, as well as randomized levels for replay value may happen as well, but all of this depends on how much time I get. There will probably be time pressure of some sort in the game.
First Weekend Goals
I'm hoping to have a simple prototype working by the end of the first weekend. I want that to include being able to roll around (possibly on a flat surface for now, since I already know I'll be able to handle uneven terrain), pick up gems, and go down the escape hatch. The playing area will probably just be a big rectangle, and I'll probably place gems, the player's starting point, and the hatch randomly across it. Death by falling or running out of time would be nice stretch goals.
(Oh, and I'm defining the first weekend for myself as including Memorial Day, since I won't be at work.)