Greetings all! This thread is for posting whatever work you've completed by the end date for the competition. It doesn't mean your game has to be complete, but more of a record of where we're at at the end. I think a fair number of us could say that our games still need additions or tweaking. Personally there was a lot more I wanted to add, but between stuff I've got going on at home and other obligations, I just didn't have enough time to fit it all in. Still, the basics on my game were worked out, and I'm happy with where it's at even if the leveling system didn't get put in and there's really only one weapon. (You do get to choose between a purple blaster or green blaster by pressing up and down)
Anyways, rather than rambling on about what was good and bad with this project (I'll make another post for that later), I'm going to throw up a link and let you see. I did track my work time on this project, which came out to be 39.94 hours, plus or minus a little bit for accounting errors. This time was split pretty evenly between actual coding, and looking for graphics/music/sound effect resources.
"May the mercy of His Divine Shadow fall upon you." - Stanley H. Tweedle, Security Guard class IV, The League of 20,000 planets