Hmm … My greatest victory. For the most part, things have come together very well, but the thing that's been my greatest victory is probably A) the artwork, and B) the weapon modes.
I'm really surprised at how the artwork is moderately okay. I am by no means an artist, and it takes me waaaaay more time than one would expect to make those things, but it is enjoyable and turned out pretty well.
The weapon modes were surprisingly fun to program, and they came together relatively easily. There really wasn't much to the Rapidfire mode, you just take off the one shot at a time restriction and take away some Electricity, and BOOM! Rapidfire mode complete! The Penetrating fire mode really took a lot of reworking how firing is handled … And it was a ton of fun to do! I could go on for quite a while about it, but I won't, I'll just leave it at being a lot of fun!