Howdy all!
Well, here's the first official version of the Asteroids clone. I'm kind of happy with the way it's turning out so far, but I have had the experience of playing around with the code a bit, and I can't take credit for the font. To have the goal of making it look like the original, I think it's turning out pretty well. This version has a title screen, and a high score screen. Controls are the standard up and down arrows to select options, enter to execute the selection (high score screen only for now), Q to exit the game from the title screen, and Esc to exit the high score screen back to the title menu. No music as of yet, and no gameplay, but that should be along soon. I did add an asteroid sprite that spins around, and a ship sprite, but that was only for me to try things out and don't appear in this version. I'll probably add some floating around in the background in all the screens later on to simulate the original.
Enjoy, and let me know your thoughts!