Hey guys
i am just starting to use XNA (i used Java before) and i figured out i would need to find a way to import tilemaps to my games.
For Java I used Tiled to create my maps, which was pretty good.
Now I have difficulties because i cant import *.tmx files in xna. I searched the internet, but it was difficult to find something.
I found out this was possible with TiledLib. I couldnt find any tutorials though and i had problems to get it working. after several hours of trying it finally worked, but i found out, tiledlib could not import tilemaps which had empty fields, which basically meant that it was useless for me.
I also tried to write my own importer, but i cant find any good tutorials on how to read xml-files (as tmx is basically an xml).
I thought about using realm factory for tilemaps, but as it doesnt support spritesheets or multiple layers, it is just not suitable for me.
i hope you can help me.
P.S. sorry if my english is bad, i'm from germany