wow, heh, it's nice to get a response from the creator of the website. You hit the nail on the head though. I thought that maybe it had something to do with the code that is loaded through the template, but i couldn't find any anomalies between the codes. They both even have a back button for the game pad command for exiting the game. I had no idea that the compile was able to do different things based on the template, as well as editing the compiler info i didn't even know was possible. This does bring me to a question of how to mess with those settings, but please don't go into an explanation on that yet. Seeing as how i got a reply from the creator, i'm assuming this website is still active somewhat (I don't see much other users on here). Also, the main reason i'm sticking with this here is, your tutorials are the first that has really "taught" me something. a little background—
Let me say i've basically been messing with C#/xna for about 9 months. I started creating my first game to be an asteroids replica with a few additional features(such as the ability to place turrets that will shoot at the asteroids with you). I got the sprites, gave controls to deploy a turret, move the ship, shoot bullets, collision detail with these (no collision between turret and asteroid. it was planned, however i was still in the process of coding the turrets ability to shoot bullets, and wasn't quite ready to handle a "life bar" for the turrets with 3 hits and destroyed system). In this project i got the feeling of using arrays, got a basic understanding of how collision is determined on a per-pixel basis, as well as understanding the update, draw, loadcontent methods etc. I used riemers to do this. If you've never seen those xna tutorials, you should consider putting in your head a complete noobs mind to c#, and then try to understand them. I didn't actual "learn" much of anything. All websites have been like this, except this one. They would teach me the syntax of things, but leave out a whole bunch of information.
I hope you understand how greatful i am to this site. I actually see WHY we start a new class template in our project, cuz now i actually know the purpose of a class (that's right, i had a halfway done asteroids game, with all of the code in program.cs lol).
To "get on with it"(i know you were thinking it), I want to go ahead and ask if you will help me with a few things that will ultimately expand my knowledge in c#. If you don't mind, i will use this one topic for my further questions. If this forum was much more livelier i would create a new topic for each "big" thing, as to not throw anyone off.
My current project is basically creating class sheets that provide methods and super simplify C#. In essence, i'm wanting to add commands that were used in GML(game maker language). If your interested, game maker is basically a drag and drop interface for game creation, but within it is also a programming language that extends it's functionality. Collision detail, instead of being over a hundred lines of code, was as simple as:
if (collision(object1, object2, use mask bool)) then instance_destroy();
This code was done on a per pixel level unless you added true as the third parameter and plugged in a collision mask. If you grab the free version of game maker, it's basically more reference to my problem than anything. It doesn't make too much sense for someone well-versed in C# to move to it, as I have heard that at runtime it's processing is much slower and not as efficient.
So for my first primary question. I'm trying to recreate the repeat command of GML. it's basically a for loop, but made so much more simple, givin the syntax itself, which is as follows:
// this code will be repeated 5 times before moving on to the next line
I've thought about making a separate class/method for this, but i ran into quite a large problem. Not knowing what other options i have, it will have to take two parameters. an int and string. The integer tells how many times to repeat, and the string is the command to be repeated. I don't know how to make the string be read as more C# code that needs to be executed. If you could help me with this I will definitely be greatful, and can start replicating commands from GML both as good experience in using what i've learned through the tutorials here as well as when it comes time i feel i'm ready to complete my first game (asteroids is abandoned), i will have additional commands at my disposal. the most important are the collision codes.
If you made it this far, I promise my responses from here on out will be much, much shorter. I thought though that i should give you some background on myself, feedback for your C# tutorials, and my current objective as a programmer (create my own mini-language, start on a 2d game). Also, thanks for all the help you've given me. The reply was on the dot and answered my question, plus the tutorials are very, very helpful.