The Shader tutorials here are a fairly good place to start off with. The actual shaders you make aren't all that great, but they can be easily expanded. I just want to know what you guys have done with them.
So far, all I have done is make the ambient light also take into account the texture below it. Before, anything not covered by the specular light would be a solid color. But now it seems a little weird because ambient light isn't affected by the bump map, so it loses it's detail on the side away from the light.
I just changed this:
return saturate(textureColor * (diffuseIntensity) + AmbientColor * AmbientIntensity + specular);
to this:
return saturate((textureColor * diffuseIntensity) + (textureColor * AmbientColor * AmbientIntensity) + specular);
EDIT: After modifying the code to rotate the model instead of the camera, it doesn't really look all that bad, so long as you keep the ambient light down.