As some of you know, I've started a personal Game that I intend to sell at one point, for those of you that don't know about it I will give you a basic summary for Future Game.
My dream for this game is pretty much that each person will have a army of User-programmed-computer-controlled-units, fighting in real time, the player would then help these troops in battle using a single manually controlled unit, along with moving fireteams, squads and platoons around a global map (like risk) in a simultaneous turn based system.
My Goal for this competition is the following.
Future Game Pre-Alpha 0.1:
Artificial Intelligence!!
Pre-Alpha 0.1 will be the first public release where it contains the "gist" of combat in Future Game.
- One or multiple A.I. that can have its programming altered by spending points on it between rounds.
- The A.I. will have basic necessity's like pathfinding, targeting and health/destruction.
- At least 3 different types of stats that can be increased/decreased as the game progresses, but no spoilers yet as to what they do.
While it seems simple enough, this is actually a big goal for this competition, Good news is that i've been getting better at integrating game dev into my normal work life which is the ultimate goal.
Bug Fixes!
Of course, one of the most important things is to get rid of bugs, I will create a bug sheet at the bottom so feel free to send me a message (in the discord preferably) if you notice anything.
Bugs - 0.0.17
- Toddler
- AI has problems with walking, walking slowly when moving on some angles, and facing east/west after reaching its destination
Current Dev Version: Pre-Alpha 0.0.17
Current Public Version: Pre-Alpha 0.0.16
Total Achievements
These achievements are accumulating throughout competitions.
Achievement Name: | Description: |
Joined The Empire: x2 | Officially join this competition. |
Joined The Rebels: | Officially Proclaim yourself a Rebel in this competition. |
Thinking Ahead: x3 | Spend time before the start of the competition planning your game. |
Leveled Up: | You learned something that you didn't know that you can reuse in other games or other programs. |
The Tinker: x2 | Fiddle with a complicated piece of code and get it to work only after a lot of failed tweaks. |
The Thinker: x6 | Spend a hour thinking through a complicated piece of code and get it right first try. |
Prototype: x2 | You have something that could loosely be called a working A.I. by the end of the first weekend. |
Less is More: | Lines of code ain't everything. Sometimes, the best solution is to refactor to eliminate redundant lines of code, leaving you with less but better designed code. |
It's Just Temporary: | You put in artwork in your game that you claim is temporary, until you or your friend can provide you with better art. |
Two Can Play This Game!: | You make your game multiplayer (same computer/device, LAN, or Internet all count). |
Jurassic Programming: | While making your game run into a situation where you must add a ton of code lines to get something to work. (IE: adding points into a collision detection array) - "I wrote a million lines of code to run this park!" |
Victory!: | Beat your game for the first time! |
Stay On Target: | Take the time to re-evaluate your goals during the competition, and determine that they're working. |
Happy Accident: | You accidentally create a bug that leads to humorous results. |
Less is More: | Lines of code ain't everything. Sometimes, the best solution is to refactor to eliminate redundant lines of code, leaving you with less but better designed code. |
Time Machine: | Worked for over an hour on code that you rip out. |
I'm Sorry, Dave. I'm Afraid I Can't Do That: | Add an AI enemy, opponent, or component to your game. |
1/10/25 Hours: | You spend at least 25 hours working on your game during the competition. |
Applying Research: | Spend at least an hour programming when you should be doing something else. |
The Great Unveiling: | Provide a download for your game. |
Way To Brag: | Claim at least 15 achievements. (Claimed 17) |