So, my overall goal for the year is to publish a game. I decided to go with the Empires of the Black Sun game since it's the one my niece loved the most.
I spent the first competition on this project, and plan to spend the next two as well to get things really polished up before release. At any rate, by the end of the last round I had done a tremendous amount of planning, and had developed a pretty decent object design. That's basically something that's always evolving but I did spend some extra time smoothing out the rough spots.
The only renderable component from the last competition was the player ship that could move back and forth. It wasn't a lot to show for all the planning that went into things, so hopefully this round we'll have some nice gameplay worked out.
As a last note, my competition dates will vary a little from the *official* times. I work Friday-Tuesdays, and my days off are Wednesdays and Thursdays. So, three more days for me and the weekend begins! Whoot Whoot!
So, for this competition my personal list of goals is as follows:
- First and foremost, spend 30 minutes 5 days a week working on the game. I've had an issue with this recently, as life has been a little staggering.
- Track the time spent on the project in a billable hours format, including various departments (Art, Sound, Programming hours)
- Add Enemies to the renderable components
- Add Bullets to the renderable components
- Add a background to the renderable components
- Find or create royalty free artwork for the galactic sector selection menu (I loved the original one, and haven't hit any IP infringements from it, but still haven't been able to determine if it is public domain. That needs to be resolved before an actual release)
- Establish basic game play mechanics
- Add some Kevin McLeod
- Rework the tech tree based on a level up paradigm
- Implement a resource gathering and management system
- Create basic enemy AI
- Add a basic scripting system
I guess that is about it. Having a playable demo for this round seems like a decent, if not ambitious goal!
"May the mercy of His Divine Shadow fall upon you." - Stanley H. Tweedle, Security Guard class IV, The League of 20,000 planets