ASCII Text Game Results
Brett208 07 May 2017 18:44
We finished up the Game Jam for the ASCII text game. Overall, I thought we covered a lot of ground. A lot of functionaility was added like being able to interact with doors, pick up items, and use the items. We didn't make headway on the Random Map Generator, which was one of the bigger goals.
- Ability to generate maps with rooms and hallways.
- Doors that may be (O)pened and (C)losed. They impede movement when closed.
- Ability to move around the map with proper collision detection.
- Placement of up and down stairs. (Do not change level though)
- Placement of items (Apples and Smoked Fish currently)
- An inventory screen showing the weight of each item picked up.
- A Char Stats screen that shows health, experience, current location, etc.
- Critical stats change color to yellow and then red as they are depleted.
- Slow recovery of health as you walk around.
- Quick recovery of health by using the (R)est command.
- A command pane for selecting your (I)nventory.
- Ability to select indiviual items from your inventory (A-Z).
- Ability to (L)ook at items in inventory and get a description.
- Ability to (E)at food in your inventory.
- Ability to (G)et items that are on the floor of the level.
- A light source on the player that lights up the surrounding level.
- Stacks of Copper, Silver, and Gold that translate to money when picked up.
- Ability to auto-pick up coins when walked over.
- A spike trap that damages the player when walked on, Symbol is (^).
- Traps are hidden until first stumbled on by player.
- A different font for the user interface than the square font used to generate the map.
Some of the bigger things we didn't have time to implement:
- Actual random map generator.
- Fog of War / Terrain discovery as walking.
- Ability to go up and down staircases.
- Keeping the player's light from lighting up parts of the level that the player cannot see (Like around bends/corners).
- Ability to (W)ear / (W)eld an item.
- TowTow10
- PiscesMike
- RB Whitaker
- Brett208
Upcoming Events
Next up will be a 30 day competition starting on 26 May. Expect to see more about it soon. The next Game Jam (Collaboration) will be mid to late October.