I'm aiming to release a game this year. And this is the project that's going to make that happen.
I'm completely reworking my Empires of the Black Sun game. If you haven't seen it before, it's a space based RPG loosely based on space invaders:
Theoretically, there should be elements of Final Fantasy blended in. For instance, you would be able to travel through space freely, where you have random encounters. That's where the old school space invaders fight comes from. You would also have to gather resources for upgrades, be able to gain levels, and encounter level based enemies so every fight you get into matches your skill level.
It's an interesting idea, and I hope to bring it to fruition. We'll just have to see how things go. My current plan is to start with this competition and keep reworking it throughout 2017 until I have something I feel is worthy of putting out there.
I spent this weekend working through some issues with game play and scope, and worked up an outline of how things could work. There's a little more design work but I think I'm on a good path. Hopefully, by next weekend maybe I can get out some visuals.
Good Luck all, and it's great seeing every one making it happen!
"May the mercy of His Divine Shadow fall upon you." - Stanley H. Tweedle, Security Guard class IV, The League of 20,000 planets