My first delving into 3D games. A dungeon-crawler in 3D (third-person) themed as escaping a military base. Though there is no escape. Because the levels are procedurally generated. And there are an endless number of them.
This is mostly to introduce myself into 3D game programming. The part I fear the most is acquiring models/animations. Because I'm a programmer, not an artist. And I'm not sure how easy it'll be to find free-to-use assets. So, be prepared for placeholder art for the entire duration of the game's existence :).
I was planning on a more drawn-out project to tinker with over the course of the year - participating in competitions as they arise - but my idea well was dry. I feel like I could finish this project in the allotted time span for this one competition though.
Not much else to say at this point. I'll throw progress updates in here though.