This is the place to discuss what type of game we should work on.
In the past, we've tended to stick with cloning an existing arcade-style game. That has some pretty big advantages. You don't have to spend much time talking about game design and how gameplay should work. You're cloning a game, and it works like the game you're cloning. Plus, there is usually art you can borrow or rely on to build your own art. And an arcade-style game is usually simple enough that you can get a functioning prototype in a single day.
Having said that, especially if most people who join are people who have been around for a while, maybe we're ready to do something different.
I'm going to leave the suggestions wide open. If you have a suggestion for what we could do for the collab, post it here.
We're not just limited to cloning arcade games.
I'm not opposed to picking a huge game, and just seeing what we can make in 8 hours.
Perhaps a board game that you want to try making a digital version of.
Maybe a subsystem of a larger game that we could make, rather than the whole game.
All ideas are welcome!