"May the mercy of His Divine Shadow fall upon you." - Stanley H. Tweedle, Security Guard class IV, The League of 20,000 planets
Pretty cool, and does not too cause too much anxiety =)
Can we stick this to the top of the discussion?
—Javier DeJesus
According to the clock, we are 2/3 done with the competition. I would be interested in hearing how everyone is feeling about their projects.
For the first 30 days of the competition, I was making great progress. Then my family had some life changes happen and I had to slow down a lot. Now that things are normalizing, I'm trying to get back into the groove again, but it is tough. If I can buckle down and actual work isn't too busy, it might be possible to release Tunnel Lords on Itch by the end of the competition. It will be close though.
90 days is definitely harder to stay focused for then the 30 day competitions in the past!
I'm still learning a lot. Lately, the lessons have been in how to account for multiple target platforms for a single code base. I've been adding a lot of Windows only code and learning how to separate it from the XBOX only code. I've also learned a lot about monitor resolutions and how to handle them. Events and delegates are coming more naturally for me to use in day to day code, where in the past I would actively avoid them. Early in the competition, I learned a ton about installers, how they work and how to use them.
Greetings Brett208!
Well, to be completely honest, everything I planned has pretty much fallen through. I did get some initial work done as evidenced by the video I finally got around to posting. Then I ran into some issues that required refactoring. I actually managed to hack my way through that and got things to a point where rapid progress was easily possible. Then, for some reason (work was particularly crazy) I seemed to lose interest and instead concentrated on my framework once again. I made some good progress, some would say great, on that framework and it's also in a good position to expand on.
After that I pretty much got distracted with doing things around the house, keeping the yard mowed to avoid the grass police, and other mundane tasks. I haven't so much as opened a project in several weeks. The last thing I actually did was create a small windows app to track our sprints when we do them in the chat room. It minimizes to the task bar and sounds an alarm when the sprint is over and also when a designated 'break' time has passed.
So, thats pretty much it for me. Tackling life stuff and working to get this mess of a house in order. I didn't realize we actually still had over 30 days left (and a few extra for me since I wasnt able to start on time) so I might throw some effort into a last ditch effort. I do seem to do better under shorter time frames. I guess only time will tell.
Gratz on your progress and good luck with getting things ready for release!
"May the mercy of His Divine Shadow fall upon you." - Stanley H. Tweedle, Security Guard class IV, The League of 20,000 planets
On a positive side note, I do now have 5 level 50+ Diablo 3 toons! lol!
"May the mercy of His Divine Shadow fall upon you." - Stanley H. Tweedle, Security Guard class IV, The League of 20,000 planets