Sprint 2 Recap
Tasks Accomplished:
- Basic operative control. They can be selected one at a time and directed around the level with the left mouse button, and holding down the left shift key allows for multiple to be selected at the same time.
- Better camera movement. It is now able to move in all four directions via the arrow keys and zoom in and out with the scroll wheel, which actually adds a lot for being such a little feature.
- Extremely simple security guard patrolling (just walking back and forth between two points).
- The test level model is finished, added to the Unity scene, lit, and actually looks pretty good!
Tasks Not Accomplished:
- Heh, no jog/run animation.
- Didn't achieve either stretch goal.
What Went Well, and What Didn't
- Overall, I think this sprint went okay. I made a fair amount of progress, but not as much as I wanted to, which I think is largely due to a bit of lacking motivation early in the week. I'm not totally sure why, but on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday last week, I wasn't putting very much time in each day - I think part of the reason may have been that I needed to make another animation for turning around before I could get to coding, which I didn't particularly want to do.
- Once that animation was made, though, it has still proven to be an issue. I'm not sure why, but it's not turning the characters in my game around all 180 degrees. In both Blender and the Unity animation preview, the animation clearly turns all the way around, but once I apply it to a model in the game I'm only seeing about 120 degrees. I've ended up spending a fair amount of time trying to figure this out to no avail, and I have yet to get any help from my Unity Answers question, so this has been sort of frustrating. I needed to do something (because the characters should only be walking along the x-axis and so I need them to be straight), so I ended up writing a script that sets their rotation at the end of the turn animation to make the correction. It works fine, it just doesn't look so great.
- I did eventually get to the coding, however, and that turned out very well! The mechanics I implemented are rather simple (just clicking around to get basic movement along the x-axis is really all that it is), but the techniques for working in Unity are pretty different and I needed to figure out how to do a lot of stuff, including raycasting. I've never done anything with rays before, much less in 3D, so that took a bit of time to learn about and get working (to satisfying results, though!). I also kept coming back to that particular script to improve it, particularly when I gave the camera the ability to move along the z-axis for the zoom function and needed to change how the mouse's position is translated into a world point for setting movement coordinates more accurately.
- So far, I've been very pleased with the documentation for Unity. In addition to the manual that I was using during Sprint 1, there's a Scripting API that's also proven to be rather helpful several times.
- Unfortunately, trying to make a video today definitely didn't work out well at all. The software I'm using was decidedly not working properly, so I changed my mind and took a few screenshots to show you all instead, but then it took an absurdly long time to even just upload the pictures to Google+ (although I'm not really sure why), so there's been some problems there, too. All's well that ends well, though, because I do have some pictures to show you guys!


I was also able to make a cool, semi-transparent material in the level that you can see clearly here.