Greetings all!
For some time, I have been thinking about and planning on setting up a server and website to host the games I've made here in the competition. I did have something similar set up a few years back, but things got shuffled around in the house and whatnot, and the server I had at that time ended up being retired. I recently found a computer in the parking lot at work, and it was decent enough to become a new server. So, after hours of reformatting, and installations, I now have a new server back up and running!
For now, the server hosts a simple website where you can watch youtube videos of my games, and download them via hyper link if you want to play around with them. These are the fully compiled executable versions just for those that want to play and/or beta test and provide feedback.
The plans for the future is to make the source code available as well - that will probably go on Bitbucket/Atlassian, implement a chat program using my personal server, and eventually set it up to be my 3D RPG server. There are any number of things that a server can come in handy for, and those three are just my starting plans. If you are trying to do some networking coding and need a server, mine is at your service. Just send me an email, post a reply here, or catch me in the chat room sometime.
So, enough blathering! The URL for my website is:
If you go to download the games, be advised you should be running Windows 7 or better. I don't think there are really many other requirements but if you run into issues, let me know here. On that note, there are still a few bugs in these games as they were the final version for the competition and not necessarily actually completed. At some point, as the website grows I'm going to add a feedback/bug system there online so you can check the logs to see if something has already been reported/corrected or you just want to leave new feedback. Sounds like a have a full plate ahead of me!
As always, take care and good luck in your programming ventures!
"May the mercy of His Divine Shadow fall upon you." - Stanley H. Tweedle, Security Guard class IV, The League of 20,000 planets