Greetings all!
I'm going to opt for doing the 100-day version this time. It'll give me more time to polish stuff up and maybe have something fun to play at the end 8-) Conversely, it will give me more time to fail too! LOL.
Just kidding. Haven't seen a lot of interest this time around so I may be sporadic with updates. It came to light the other day that notifications don't seem to be going out when people do make posts here on the wiki, so I can't even be sure anyone knows what's going on anymore! At any rate, I will try to get something out at least once a week, if for nothing else to track my own progress.
Again, please feel free to join in on your own projects if you want. There are no set in stone rules going on so don't feel like you've missed some kind of important milestone by not starting on 05.28.2021.
Now, with all that being said, this time I'm going to do another space based game (I just love those) wherein you hunt down and kill all sorts of alien creepy crawlies, slice, dice, and clean them, and then fry them up into something delicious! It's a loose mimicking of the game 'Space Chef'. Space Chef popped up in some online ads, as these things always do, and I thought it sounded like an interesting concept. I didn't watch any video's or read up on the game or anything as I'm not shooting just to copy someone else's work. I guess eventually I will have to check it out just to make sure I'm not crossing any (legal) lines but this project most likely won't be for retail at any rate. Most likely, it will end up in the storage purgatory of most of my other projects!
I have actually made some decent progress on a couple elements of an overall 'framework'. Not going into a ton of details, but I created a couple 'library' modules that can be used to create a persistent log for your games (as well as console output), and one other one that basically provides some nice date formatting options, used in the logging module. Small steps, but those two have come in handy a couple times already 8-)
Alright, that's is for me for now. I will be adding posts by a weekly order below for progress tracking.
Quick shot of Space Chef:
"May the mercy of His Divine Shadow fall upon you." - Stanley H. Tweedle, Security Guard class IV, The League of 20,000 planets