In light of HG support ending on Bitbucket this year, I have been switching my private repositories over to Git. I've been using the procedures below (which were linked to from an official Bitbucket blog years ago). The extension plug-in hggit comes pre-installed with TortoiseHG and just has to be enabled.
I sort of took lead on this collab, so was thinking of switching it from hg to git. It would still be under the team account after the switch. This would keep the results available as a private repo on bitbucket. I'm not sure anyone reads the forums anymore, but I wanted to give people a chance to say don't do it beforehand.
Maybe the other collabs should be switched over as well? Or perhaps the other participants don't care too much if they disappear. from Bitbucket.
I was sad to have missed the last collaboration. Feel free to email me in the future if there will be one. I'm not much of a Discord fan, so not sure I'll ever normally show up in Discord unless there is a specific reason.
It was cool to see another collab occur. It is also neat to see more tutorials making it up on this site.