It's been a while since we did an official collab. (I think it was actually just about two years ago in November of 2017.) We did do an unofficial collab with a couple of people in chat a few months ago. But I think it's high time we tried to get another collab going.
The ideal time for me would be around the holidays. I get the 24th through the 1st off for work, but Christmas Eve (the 24th) and Christmas Day (the 25th) are typically busy with other things. I also usually spend the PTO and take days around that off to get the full two weeks off, so I anticipate being off from the 21st through the 5th. That gives me, personally, quite a few options.
On the other hand, I know how these things tend to work. Sometimes it's better to just pick a date and roll with it, unless people have serious problems, rather than opening it up for discussion for weeks or months, which has been a pain point in the past. (And why at one point, we just officially scheduled it for a specific time every year on the calendar.)
To that end, I'm going to say we shoot for 28 December 2019, which is a Saturday.
We've done 8 hours for the duration in the past, and I think I'd be aiming for a time that is roughly "work hours" for the US region. That might be something like 4pm to 12 midnight UTC time. Check out this page to see what that looks like for various places across the USA, or tweak it to see what it looks like for your local time.
I'm definitely open to different times and durations. We've discussed a lot of variations on the collab idea in the past. So post your thoughts below. But at least that puts a line in the sand to work with. I'll be posting a few other threads for further discussion, and making a channel in chat for it as well.