Well.. Im a little late to the competition, But I'm on vacation again (as usual during the winter), and so I should have plenty of time to get a game going..
If you haven't read my update on the past couple months.. feel free to do so here http://rbwhitaker.wikidot.com/forum/c-886304/personal-projects
Here is the details on the game Ill be creating:
IDE: Visual Studio Community 2013.
Language: C#.
Library/Engine: Unity3D.
Simple Graphics: Paint.net & Online Sources.
Added Effects Graphics: None Yet.
Sound/Music: None Yet.
Theme: Sword and Shield, 2D Top Down Strategy Tactics, Multiplayer
I bring you a time when 2 (to 4) cities that lived in close proximity decided to fight eachother, why? the reason is unknown, These cities were very simple. In terms of battle they only knew 4 things, Swordsmen, Archers, Defenders and Walls.
They trained and sent there units into battle hoping that someone would be able to take the enemy's flag and return it to there own base to show they were a stronger City, and force a surrender by the other clan.
A Swordsmen could Beat a wall down, Kill a Defender, or Steal the flag.
As the cities were close, the archers remained inside the base..
A Arrow Could traverse over walls, and Kill Swordsmen.
A Defender Could Destroy walls and Repair walls along with defend other units from Arrows.
I hope to make this game within the time period.. and hopefully get some nice graphics and get online multiplayer set up.. but im not sure how to do that yet.