So I know I just realized I didn't tell many people on the IRC, but not more than a few days ago I ended up halting The Era Of Abyss so I can work out a few things with it first ( what with all the features that I could only half-make ). Most of my work went into stuff I couldn't even see visual progress of it being a game, just foundation work and learning how to implement features I've never made before. Plus the good ol' archaic error messages the VS compiler kept throwing at me, sometimes for things I'm almost certain are SFML library bugs that I should be tracking down and reporting. Given the time-frame and my frustration I decided to go another route. With that being said…
A 2D horror game based off of the typical "Collect X [ITEM]" horror trope.
IDE: MonoDevelop.
Language: C#.
Library/Engine: Unity 4.5.1f ( I really need to update, so many 2D bug fixes and feature additions! ).
Simple Graphics: Microsoft Paint.
Added Effects Graphics: GIMP.
Sound/Music: Audacity.
Document Creation: Open Office ( though this time around I only used it for making short lists of features to implement ).
Source Control Client: N/A.
Source Control Type: N/A. ( I am still very new to Unity, didn't want to screw up my builds my messing up here ).
Source Control Host: N/A.
The game is in a very playable alpha build state. However not everything is perfect and some features haven't been finished so I'm going to list them here:
- Sometimes ( extremely rare ) the pages spawn perfectly inside a tree trunk and can't be reached that I'm aware of. This will be resolved with pre-set spawn locations the randomizer can choose from rather than just anywhere in the scene. Most of the time if it even spawns near a tree trunk it never goes all the way inside it.
- Contact with tree trunks makes the screen jitter slightly which might just be the player bouncing off of it or something. I'll get to work on this one since it's collision in general I'm having that issue with and not just the tree trunks.
Future Features:
- Player's character animation will have "stopped" animations or paused animations when not moving. Currently they are set to always perform the directional move animations.
- Location Markers such as broken cars, different tree types or formations, debris, etc to help identify where you are in the map.
- Pre-set spawn locations which will most likely make use of several location markers ( note: not all pages will spawn at markers as that would make their locations a bit too easy ).
- Options and Credits button functionality and appropriate content for them. I might remove the options button and forgo the content for it in trade for using Unity's start-up options window if I can't see any additional options I want to have available and I can get the custom input worked out.
- Animation at the main menu to the right of the buttons. I saved some space for a nice animation I wanted to do on the menu but due to time constraints I instead focused on game-play.
- Identifiable level bounds such as a fence/object impeding player movement outside the play zone or have the camera have bounds. I tried the camera bounds it was taking a bit to figure out how Unity handles things so I stuck with limiting player movement.
- Success and Failure scenes since right now the success scene is a static image while failure just sends you back to the main menu.
- An icon for the game because I don't want to leave it as the default.
Once those bugs fixes and features are done this game should be exactly where I wanted it. If I feel interested I might add more levels, different monster types, or whatever. Those were just what I wanted to make this game feel it's no longer in alpha.
At long last, screenshots and a download link:
Windows (x86) Download:
I have both Mac and Linux builds done but didn't upload them yet. There's a README file with controls, but it's just up and down arrow keys for menu navigation and W, A, S, D for in-game movement ( plus Escape for quitting ).
Well guys that's it for me right now. I learned quite a bit this month, several knit-picks of C++, several more useful SFML classes and functions, how to implement several new features such as animation and mob management, got more comfortable in GIMP, and of course finally picking up Unity for more than a few hours and not giving up on it. Tell me what you guys think of the game so far and maybe try and help me add on to it with some suggestions. Also if you were looking forward to The Era Of Abyss, don't worry! I will be hopefully making the transfer to Unity for the game if I end up feeling it is the better tool for me to do the game in. If not then I'll either stick with C++/SFML2 or maybe try a different library/engine.