Greetings all.
I started a post the other day that was supposed to fill this no-update void, but thanks to an accidental hit of the 'back' button on my browser, the whole page got destroyed before it could make it live. Anywhos, just thought I'd throw up what I accomplished over the weekend, which is somewhere between not much (game wise) and a decent amount(object design wise).
Thanks to some constant nagging of RBWhitaker, I picked up a lot on the use of interfaces, as well as some general game design knowledge. That's lead me to rework my game framework somewhat. In the end, I think it will work a lot better with cleaner seperation of code/objects. Below, you'll find the flow chart of the new game framework I'm shooting for. Maybe it can be useful, or just interesting.
So, going by that design, I was able to get the basics working, and create the parallax scrolling backgrounds Castlevania is famous for. I made a video which you will see below. This was mostly for testing things out, and as such when I was creating it, I actually inverted the speed of the backgrounds. That is to say, the stuff in the background is moving faster than the stuff in the foreground. That's been reworked a little, and once I get a little more completed, I'll post another video.
Ok, as it turns out, I made another video with the speeds corrected:
At any rate, still just a little demo to make sure things are working out as planned. I've started work on the texture animation atlas, and should have an update where you can see the player running around shortly!
"May the mercy of His Divine Shadow fall upon you." - Stanley H. Tweedle, Security Guard class IV, The League of 20,000 planets