Extra XNA Tutorials

This page is now out of date, and will probably be removed eventually. This is the old format, which I have recently updated to be much more useful and easy to go through. I would recommend going to the new XNA tutorials page. All of these tutorials can be found there, mostly under the Utility Tutorials or the Input Tutorials.

These tutorials are some extra XNA tutorials. They cover a variety of topics. They are in this category, rather than the main XNA Tutorials because they weren't ever presented in the XNA Special Interest Group in USU's ACM chapter. However, you may find them just as useful (and perhaps just as important!) as the other tutorials. You will probably find that most of these tutorials are shorter than the others.

I would really like to make these tutorials as helpful to you as possible, so if you have any constructive feedback on this site, please leave a comment at the bottom of the page.

Tutorial Categories

BasicsAudioKeyboard InputMouse InputGame Pad Input

1 - Keyboard Input

Getting input from the user in a game is very imporant. Without it, the game is only an animation. This tutorial will cover one of the most important methods of getting input from a user: the keyboard.
1 - Basic Keyboard Input


2 - Full Screen Mode

Here is the easiest tutorial you will ever do. It discusses how to make your program run in full screen mode!
2 - Full Screen Mode


3 - XACT Sound Loops

For background music, it would be nice if we could have a sound loop several times (or forever) rather than just playing once. This tutorial shows you how to do this. This tutorial assumes you already know the basics of XACT and playing sounds in XNA.
3 - XACT Sound Loops


4 - Mouse Input

This tutorial covers how to do basic mouse input.
4 - Mouse Input


5 - Wireframe and Point Modes

This tutorial discusses how to use wireframe mode and also point mode. While they are not the most common drawing modes, they have their uses. You don't really need to know that much before going through this tutorial, but it will be more interesting to see the results if you already know how to load models into a scene.
5 - Wireframe and Point Modes


6 -XBox Controller Input

This tutorial covers how to get input from an XBox controller. These controllers are the preferred method of input, because XBox controllers work on both the XBox 360 and on Windows.
6 - Xbox Controller Input


7 - XBox Controller Vibration

In this tutorial, you can learn how to make the XBox controller vibrate. It's quite easy to do and it makes the game much more interesting.
7 - Xbox Controller Vibration


8 - Console Windows

While you could get away with not ever seeing a console window in XNA, some people are used to them, an dthey could be a very nice tool for debugging. This tutorial shows you how to get a console window running, in case you don't know how to get one open, and would like it.
8 - Console Windows


9 - Changing the Window Size

While the default window size is nice, it is not always what you want. This tutorial shows you a simple way to set the window size to be whatever you want.
9 - Changing the Window Size


10 - Calculating the Frame Rate

This tutorial shows you how to quickly and easily calculate the frame rate of your game.
10 - Calculating the Frame Rate


11 - Setting the Window Title

A very short tutorial showing you how you can set the title of your game's window.
11 - Setting the Window Title

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